Saturday, June 26, 2010

How do I get really huge blackheads [Pores?] off of my nose/why are they there?

They are the result of grease build-up. If you don麓t clean your face every day, and i don麓t mean just soap and water, but a cleansing cream and lotion, you can start doing that.

I still ahven麓t found anything that works for me, and i give myself a whole face treatment every day. I麓m seriously thinking of seeing a dermatologist.How do I get really huge blackheads [Pores?] off of my nose/why are they there?
They're there because you've neglected to clean your face.

Excess buildup of oil and dead skin cells can clog pores. Wash your face twice a day and avoid wiping your nose with dirty hands.How do I get really huge blackheads [Pores?] off of my nose/why are they there?
go to the store and buy Biore Pore Strips. they work great

1 comment:


    I've found that Jojoba and Castor oil mixed, work best...


itchy skin