Thursday, June 24, 2010

I popped a blackhead?

ok so i popped a blackhead on my chin i think but idk if i did it right like it just hurt alot and now its been two days its just a huge scab. y? how do i make them disapeer?

and lol when u pop a regular zit r u suposed to keep even pressure or kinda wiggle the puss out? lol i know gross, right?

and how do u make it not all red afterward?

thank u sooo much!!I popped a blackhead?
Only pop the white heads, and squeeze the heck out of them and get all that puss out! Also the scabs are an inevitable part of acne. I suffer from mild acne and the best advice is to pop the white heads but leave the others alone!I popped a blackhead?
dont pop your pimples! i know its a habit but its bad trust me i used to have bad acne when i was younger and it was because every time i poped a pimple and my hands werent clean i would spread the dirt into the pore and i would just cause way more pimples!

a inflamed blemish happens when the pore becomes engorged with excess sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria. When you squeeze a pimple, you may inadvertently force the debris from the pore deeper into the follicle. That can cause the follicle wall to rupture and spill infected material into the dermis (the innermost section of the skin.)
please do not pop acne. You can get scars or you may even bleed. Well yes you do have to wiggle the puss out but if you keep popping blackheads you will get big pores that are really noticable. My dad used to do that and lets just say it not pretty lol! The reason why there is a huge scab is because you werent doing it right and you werent supposed to pop it. And no matter what its going to be red sorry but just make sure you dont force it because that can make it PURE red lol! Hopes i helped!

dont pop your pimples your fingers carry oil and dirt when you touch your face and the puss from the pimple has bacteria and gross things like dead skin cells. it can make your acne worsen and leads to scaring. Just get clean and clear black head eraser it really helps

but if youhave sensitive skin get a herbal acne pill
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Its really neat you can ask an esthetician (skin therapist) your question

they usually answer pretty quick
try neutragena black head eraser i think thats the name idk
Huge scab? Are you sure you didn't remove a mole? haha Go ahead and put honey or toothpaste on it overnight and you'll be fine.
thats a stupid bloody question but that blackhead is goona swell up and eat your face!

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