Thursday, June 24, 2010

I had a pimple on my upper eyelid that turned into a blackhead. I kinda popped it tonight. Didnt look like sty

It did not look like a stye I swear. It wasn't swollen the same way. it was just like any other blackhead that appears anywhere else. So I stupidly popped it. Then realizing I could have infected it I wet a q tip in rubbing alcohol and slowly and carefully treated the lid with the alcohol. Should I be concerned that I may go blind or lose my eye bc of an infection?I had a pimple on my upper eyelid that turned into a blackhead. I kinda popped it tonight. Didnt look like sty
Not really.

It seems that you're doing the sensible thing and are watching it for obvious signs of infection, and no doubt if you do get one will get it treated.

An eyelid infection would need to be really seriously advanced to actually risk loss of an eye, although an infection would risk causing conjunctivitis which potentially can cause blindness. It would be a rare event in a modern Western country though as we're lucky enough to have good medical care when needed.

BTW: Pimples don't turn into blackheads, but blackheads can turn into pimples. You probably had a chalzion rather than a stye, it's very common and you can google for extra info.I had a pimple on my upper eyelid that turned into a blackhead. I kinda popped it tonight. Didnt look like sty
Uummm, I have the same problem but- I have a white pimple(Not a white head) on my bottom eyelid and I was wondering if you knew how to get rid of it? Or-will it go away? Did your blackhead/pimple go away? Help! Report Abuse

No honey, just NEVER pop anything on your body nor face because you touch everything with your hands and all kinds of bacteria get in it. Just make sure you cleaned it well with rubbing alcohol and if you feel it getting worst go to the doctor, it shouldn't if you cleaned it with rubbing alcohol. Just DO NOT touch it and keep it clean, don't put makeup on, don't do anything to it, it will go away.



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