Saturday, June 26, 2010

I am 21 year old.i have so many blackheads on my face, how can i get rid of blackheads and get pore free skin.?

I have a few ways to help my dear. Since I was young and am now in my 50's, I still suffer from occasional bouts of this. First and foremost, you must not use those skin pimple coverup creams, they simply make the problem worse. Try to avoid them if at all possible. Make sure to wash your face thoroughly, at least 2x daily with a clean white wash cloth (don't know why that works so well, but it does make a difference to me). Also, invest in a good cleanser that will help remove excess oils and pore clogging dirt and makeup. NEVER EVER go to bed with ANY makeup on! Use the wash cloth as warm as you can stand it, then apply your soap, I prefer a sulfer soap wash GENTLY, then rinse thoroughly. Also rinse your wash cloth thoroughly with warm water. When sure it is clean and rinsed, follow with a cool rinse and pay dry. I will then apply a apple cider vinger on a cotton pad and let dry. I use moisturizers that specifically say NON COMODGEDIC, meaning they will not clog your pores. The only soaps I use on my face now are sulfer soap (a bit hard to come by, but easy online to get) and it will last a long time, since you only use it on your face, pine tar soap and Cetaphil soap. The only make up I use is mineral make up (the only one that doesn't make my skin worse and does help to improve its look and appearance when I do wear make up. If I notice my skin getting extra oily, I will apply some 10% benzol cream at night and wash off in the am. I also bought the ACNE FREE kit and use the Repair lotion for moisturizing and for clearing acne. Just remember, we tend to DRY out skin TOO much in trying to rid ourselves of pimples and blackheads. Most of the problem is PLAIN AND SIMPLE dirt and makeup and body oils. Another thing, replace your pillow cases with fresh laundered ones, don't use perfume laundry detergents or fabric softeners. This alsos adds yet another reason for breakouts and troublesome skin. I know it sounds like a lot to do, but just one or two a day and you should see a vast improvement in your skin. And you will NEVER get rid og your pores, you just don't want them all huge and big to accept dirt and grime in. Trying keeping them clean, and using cool water when done cleaning your face to CLOSE the pores so they aren't all open to dirt from the warm waterou want to use warm water to open them to release the dirt and oils, and cold water to close them when done. Hope this helps you! Good luck!I am 21 year old.i have so many blackheads on my face, how can i get rid of blackheads and get pore free skin.?
I am actually a Skin Care Consultant and I have 15 years experience. When you have a problem with blackheads it means that either you are not washing your face often enough or you are not using the right cleanser for your face so you aren't getting all the dirt and oil off when you do cleanse. So you either need a new cleanser or you simply need to wash your face 3 or 4 times a day.

You should also consider using a Freshener or Toner to close the pores after you cleanse so you keep the pore from oxidizing and looking so black.

Another very important skin care method is to use a facial mask or a gentle scrub 2 or 3 times a week after you cleanse. You don't want to do it every day or you could dry out your skin. The mask/scrub will get off the dead skin cells that may be blocking up your pores. If you use a mask and leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes it will help to ';pull out'; the clog from the pore. Make sure that you use a toner after you use a mask or scrub. If your skin is sensitive, use a freshener/toner that has no alcohol so it doesn't burn your skin.

Once your face is effectively cleansed so you get the pore cleaned out, then the freshener/toner is what will help to ';shrink'; the pores so they aren't as noticeable.

Be very careful not to use products that are too strong. They will end up irritating the skin and causing more problems.

Finally .. make sure that you use and OIL FREE hydrater (or moisturizer) afterward to keep your face soft. This will also keep the blackheads more receptive to cleansing.

If you use the right products, you will see a difference in your skin in a very short time.I am 21 year old.i have so many blackheads on my face, how can i get rid of blackheads and get pore free skin.?
An ideal mask that extracts dirt and oil from clogged pores can be made by using orange peel and yogurt.It also opens up the clogged pores that cause acne and blackheads. Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads.
Biore's warming blackhead scrub;鈥?/a>
Quickly and permanently(and cheaply) rids skin of blackheads, greatly reduces pores and heals many other skin problems. Thoroughly massage with an essential oil - olive, almond, jojoba and coconut are excellent. (See USER'S happy response below). First tighten skin by tightening face muscles so that you will not be pulling or stressing skin. Do a forward and back massage with finger tips and front of fingers. A circular motion will not work. Do over and over firmly. For quickest results do each day for 15 min(can be more than one session) or more. See results in as little as 2 to 3 days. Skin is always shedding and renewing. Massage forces a new, clearer skin to emerge. You can quickly have a smooth, tight, totally blemish free, healthy skin.

REPLY FROM A USER - wannabeblue28 :'; Hi Mukunda M. Omg, I've been following your advice and massaging my face vigorously with coconut oil for the last three days and I see results already! Thank you ever so much..this could be the solution to my all my skin problems. I'd messaged earlier asking about the pores on my face. They're very large and EVERYWHERE. I have a massive event coming up in a month. Could I do it twice daily to speed up the process? ';

SOURCE(S): 20+ years research/experimentation using only safe, natural treatments to permanently cure skin conditions, enhance skin and anti aging/rejuvenation treatments..

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