Saturday, June 26, 2010

Removing Blackheads with pore strips..?

I have really bad blackheads on my nose and i was just wondering if i could get some info on pore strips

I have heard from a few people that it's really bad for your skin and makes your pores get really big.. is that true??

And are you supposed to put anything on your skin after you take the strips off? Will it turn your skin red or anything if you don't put anything on it? I have heard about using toners and something else, but i would just like an idea about what you use.

Thanks so much!Removing Blackheads with pore strips..?
Yup, I had the same problem... Try 'Biore Deep Cleansing Pore Strips'. They're available like at Walmart or any store like that. It unclogs your pores and actually will shrink them as it unclogs. You should also look at their other products for blackheads. Biore is the best brand for getting rid of those pesky blackheads. Trust me, I've tried them all!! and Biore actually works! You don't needs to do anything to your skin after you remove the pore strips... it hurts a little taking it off (kind of like pulling of a band-aid) but you only feel an actually nice tingling afterwards. nope, no toners or anything!Removing Blackheads with pore strips..?
They're not bad for your skin, and pores don't get bigger or smaller, they just open and close. =]

You're supposed to get your face or nose wet for it stick on, and it might be a good idea to use witch hazel afterwards. Your face will only be red temporarily (for like 5 minutes).

Personally I've had better results using Clean and Clear Blackhead Clearing scrub, or something similar.

Hope that helps.

Pore strips will take the tops off of some of your blackheads, but they do leave a temporary hole where the plug was. This will go away in a few days. However, if you really want to treat them correctly, if it's an option, see a dermatologist. They have special medications, tools, and procedures that can treat/prevent blackheads. Don't waste your money on over the counter products!
I use the pore strips and like them. I started using Olay of Oil deep cleansing face wash with witch hazel (its the one in the bottle you have to squeeze) and I've notice my blackheads aren't as bad, and I only have to use the pore strips every once in awhile now. After using the pore strips, I do put Clear Pore by Neutrogena on after.(don't think it's necessary though.) I know its a pain, I hate them, but with this stuff I've minimized them greatly.
If yyou can afford it, go get a facial. But make sure it is one with a steam thing(not sure what it is called) Its unbeleivable how good it works and take out blackheads. I don't know if you have a Genny Grady in your area but they are great. I dont hitnk pore strips hurt your skin. i have used them before.
I've used them. My pores stayed the same size. i put lotion on my skin after i take them off.

I'd recommend Biore products.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Saunas are the best ....the skin heats up ...the pores expand

The black heads are forced up.......the you use freezing cold water to contract the pores and the black heads are forced out........ with no damage to the skin...thats why scandinavians have nice complexsions
Those strips don't work. Don't waste your money. Get this instead-- it actually works. You can find it at any drugstore --about 10 bucks or less.鈥?/a>
Yea they work good...there's also a blackhead scrub from clean and clear that works good..but use the strip once a week
the strips work great! just wet your nose after u use them and dont use them too often(:

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