Thursday, June 24, 2010

Popped pimple or blackhead?

now i have this big red lump, no its not a big pimple !! i have had it for 2 days now, how can i get rid of it by tommorrow. would poking it with a needle make it worse? its big!Popped pimple or blackhead?
try putting tooth paste on itPopped pimple or blackhead?
NEVER EVER poke it with a needle. You will leave a permanent scar. Seriously. There will be a hole on that spot forever..... Just leave it the way it is. I have one on my face right now too but try to conceal it rather than pop it.
Crush a aspirin till its a fine powder, add a little bit off water to make it into a paste and dab it on your pimple

It really works i tried it
Try Toothpaste. I use a hot rag, it brings any thing to a head. Usually you shouldn't pop your zits because it gives you crator face and it can spread the infection.
hmm i had something like that. of course it had to be the 1st day of school 2. but anyway.i h a for about a week. you could try ice. do not poke it with a needle!! but it might be a cold sore. thats what mine was. also try putting some rubbing achol or witch hazel on it. hope it helps

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