Saturday, June 26, 2010

What is the best treatment for blackheads/clogged pores but dry skin?

What is the best prevention of tiny blackheads? Best way to treat once they're there?What is the best treatment for blackheads/clogged pores but dry skin?
Give a try from your aswerers' about your problem. But if you did your best already and still there, then try to drink plenty WATER 8 full of glasses everyday at least. Water is the best treatment for dry skin or face problem. It helps a lot to clean your system/body or the pores of your skin/face, it helps your skin pores to go back to normal, makes softer and cleaner. Plus eat vegetables salad everyday. Use antibacterial soap for your skin with soft facial napkin to dry, gently upwards, every nights. And then after washing it, you can use face moisturizer lotion that suites to your skin.What is the best treatment for blackheads/clogged pores but dry skin?
On Tv they advertise ProActive..have you tried that?

I like all the Principal Secret face scrubs, moisturers and eye creams...very good to keep skin clear for me..
I have the same problem. I have hundreds of tiny blackheads on my chin and nose, and it would be impossible to squeeze them all out. I also have dry, flaky skin in some areas, and oil in others. I never really had acne until recently, and I couldn't figure out why, but now I know, and already, within a few days, my blackheads are getting smaller and my complexion is improving. My problem was using makeup and lotions that contain lots of oil. Even if your skin is dry, don't make this mistake. Never use body lotion on your face. Buy an oil free moisturizer. I use Neutrogena oil-free moisturizer for sensitive skin. It's wonderful! Another problem...I was using acne medication containing salycilic acid. This is great for some people but not so great for those with dry skin. It contains a peeling agent, and can make your skin even more dry and flaky. My doc recommended Cetaphil. It's a gentle cleanser, and it works well for me. Also, wash your face with cool water. It closes your pores, making them less visible. Make sure you use an oil-free makeup/foundation...Most oil free foundations say non-comedogenic on the label, meaning it won't clog your pores. This regimen has worked very well for me. I started seeing reduction in the size of blackheads and smoother skin within days. Hope this helps a bit...Good luck!
It is very difficult to keep your hands off the blackhead or blemish that may appear on your skin. You always consciously or unconsciously, tend to squeeze your blackheads. But the fact is, that gentle removal of your blackheads can actually help in reducing and preventing any further damage to your skin. But, the question here is how to remove it. Following are some of the ways and means to remove blackheads with ease:

Light squeezing: You can remove the stuff from inside a blackhead with light handed squeezing. Such a process can actually help the skin. Yes, squeezing is detrimental to the skin, but how you squeeze determines whether it harms the skin or benefits it. Gentle is the key word and you have to be careful not to over squeeze it.

Use products for exfoliating: You can use some very effective exfoliating product for removing dead skin cells. In this way you can remove even the most stubborn blackheads. Also, microdermabrasion can be used to remove stubborn blackheads.

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